1 billion people do not benefit from access to drinking water.
3 to 4 billion people do not have a sufficient and stable amount of water. -
2,5 millions are deprived of hygiene services.
8 million people die of diseases related to uncertainty in water provision.
Every year, 1.4 million children die of diseases related to contaminated
water and to the lack of adequate hygienic measures. A Child dies every
20seconds. -
425 Liters a day is the consumption per capita in the United Nations while the
consumption per capita in Madagascar is 10liters. -
+55% will be the percentage of increase in the global demand on water by 2050,
according to OECD. -
2.5 billion people live in areas without aqueducts or infrastructure, according
to UN report “UN-Water”. -
215 liters = the average consumption of drinking water per capita per day in
France even if it is not necessary that the water be potable. -
140 liters= is the water reserve for every French citizen, 2200liters for every
American, 3300 liters for every Australian and 1100 liters for every Spanish,
according to a study by Kinsey& Co. -
40 liters is the minimum amount of water per day to satisfy vital needs,
according to WHO. -
2.88 billion, 40% of the global population live under this threshold.
300 liters is the estimated average consumption per day in the richest countries.
1700 cubic meters is the annual consumption of water per capita in the USA
(including the agricultural and industrial uses) -
250 cubic meters is the annual consumption of water per capita in Africa.
1 billion people do not have any tap in their houses. Among these people
8 out of 10 live in rural areas. 1/3 of the world’s population lives in
areas that will run short of water by 2030.